Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Google Ads rocks my socks

Thanks to my last post, which can be found by clicking ICI, this is the new target advertising from Google that I found upon signing into Gmail just now:

I love Google.

Monday, December 27, 2010

How Fifth Third Bank made me realize that I am America's Personal Jesus

Dear America (and your son, the Fifth Third Bank),

I have been within your borders for just over a week now, and I'll be gone in just a few days. Our time together has been short, but it has definitely been sweet. However, I am deeply alarmed about the current economic crisis, and I can't really see this supposed upswing that people are talking about. And I know why. You can blame it on the Fifth Third Bank. 

WTF America. WTF.

Maybe if your financial institutions could do math you wouldn't be in such dire straits. I wrote this equation for you to help you out:

This is a really special equation because its solution also equals me dancing maniacally while screaming "Here comes Johnny singing oldies, goldies, Be bop a lua baby what I say!!!!" But that is neither here nor there... we need to get down to business. The business of saving your butt. I am going to teach Fifth Third Bank how to do math.

Firstly, Fifth Third, your logo does not symbolize "fifth third". Numerically, 5/3 means five thirds... which is really kind of dumb, because that is the equivalent of 1 and 2/3, or 1.6 repeating. No one would ever really say five thirds. So, I have conveniently renamed your establishment the "One Point Six Repeating Bank." You're welcome. Also, if you insist on keeping your stupid nonsensical name, you need to redesign your logo to actually represent Fifth Third, which would be some variation of "5th 3rd". Again, you are so welcome. I am saving your ass. I am like the Jesus of your ass. I need to stop talking now. 

But seriously, I could be your Jesus, and here is why: 

Holy crap. We all know that Urban Dictionary is the 2nd most reliable source on the whole wide internet, after Wikipedia. And speaking of Wikipedia, it is from Wikipedia that I have learned that the Fifth Third Bank was named thusly because it was created as the result of a merger between the Third National Bank and the Fifth National Bank. Since this came about during the time of prohibitionist ideals, naming the bank "Third Fifth" was considered inappropriate because it could be misconstrued as a reference to three fifths of alcohol. Um... what!? 

I have another equation for you:

Just sayin'.

Actually, if you really think about it, 5/3 is more moonshine than 3/5. I have a new drinking game to play when I visit America! My friends and I will each drive around with a large bottle of moonshine in the passenger's seat of our respective cars. We will set out at random, not knowing where the other is headed and will drive for 10 miles. For each Fifth Third that we pass we are obliged to do 1 and 2/3 shots of moonshine. Whoever is the drunkest upon our return wins! The usual rules of driving also apply (you know, like 5 points for striking down middle-aged folks, 2 for morbidly obese people (easier targets) and 20 points for taking out cyclists, etc.), so tally up those points too. The drunker you get, the better you are at the normal rules of the road. Fun for the whole family!

I need to wrap this up because I am ruining my own cause by talking too much about nothing, but you can clearly see that I am not responsible for this drunk driving. Fifth Third and Wikipedia basically forced me to play this game at gunpoint. 

So, to sum up, dear America, Fifth Third Bank is responsible for the current economic crisis and drunk driving. That is one evil institution. If you want to get back on track you must close out your accounts with Fifth Third and re-open them in banks that can actually do math and take DUIs seriously. Really, banks have one purpose, and that purpose is to manage your money effectively. HOW CAN A BANK HOPE TO DO THIS IF THEY CANNOT DO SIMPLE MATH??? Seriously. I put no faith in this bank and neither should you. Would you trust a serial killer? Cuz this bank is basically a murderer. 

I realize that Fifth Third may sue me now, but I'm not really worried because they are liable to put a decimal point in the wrong place and add a ridiculous amount of zeroes. They would be like, "MORE NUMBERS = MORE MONEY!!! LET'S ADD ZEROES!!!!!! WeEEEEeeeEEeEeeeEE!!!!!!!", and the result would be a law suit for .00000000000000016 million instead of 1.6 repeating million. Dumbasses. Also, they are probably really confused by the telephone, as calling a lawyer would involve typing in a combination of numbers, and Fifth Third bank, as we know, is no good with numbers. I can practically hear their distress. 



P.S. I just Googled "stupid bank names" and guess what the first hit is? An article from back in July of 2008 about supposed federal regulations to forbid stupid bank names and the last paragraph mentions that this would have affected Fifth Third! This article was written by Quinn Quimbley, but it's just as well that clearly no-one read it or listened to it, because Fifth Third is still in existence, and Quinn Quimbley is not a Greenberg, and therefore could not possibly be your Jesus, America. Thank God I'm here for you. 


Vicious Rumours

Dear World,

The internet is a powerful weapon that has been turned against me. While the internet has brought us wonderful things like "Charlie Bit my Finger" and that ridiculously cutesy kitten getting tickled, it has also provided an enhanced avenue for gossip. Essentially, it's made gossip into scuttlebutt on crack... however, it has also given me a reason to use the word scuttlebutt in context. Then again, it has also caused me to feel somewhat alarmed that not only do I know the word 'scuttlebutt', I KNOW WHAT IT MEANS. Wow. 

Anyway, point being, a rumour has been spread about me on the internet. Here is the picture that has sparked the controversy: 
Sexy Bitch
I happen to enjoy this picture because most pictures of me actually come out looking like this:
Kimono Shopping in Japan
Now, there is really nothing particularly wrong with this photo, I just look like a total dork. And I am a total dork in real life, so hey, this is a more realistic representation of myself. I'm sure y'all can understand that when a nice photo comes along I have to take it and run. My eyes are only slightly squinty in the first photo, and my huge gigantic Julia Roberts smile is somewhat tamed by the fact that I took the picture of myself (total loser, I know) and didn't have anything real to smile about at the time (I was taking a break from my job as resident lizard catcher (that part is no lie)). 

Anyway, what I need to make clear is that I HAVE NOT HAD BREAST ENHANCEMENT SURGERY!

The truth about my boobs is that they are tricky. I have already briefly mentioned my war with Victoria's Secret. They have made it their mission to try to stuff my breasts into A cups for some reason, no matter how many times I have told them they don't know how to use a measuring tape. I have had two jobs where I had to fit bras, and I can guarantee you, it's not that hard. The last time one of their girls tried to tell me I was a 34 A I made her bring me a bra in that size so that I could demonstrate to her how wrong she was. I put on the bra, she took one look at the overflow of flesh (I seriously looked like I had 6 boobs. 2 in the cups, 2 on the inside, and 2 just beside my armpits. That is either a serious nightmare, or every man's dream. EXCESS BOOBS!), shrugged, and told me that's what I measure so she can't help me. Amazing customer service. 

Look at these images and tell me which one makes you think of breasts:

Conveniently Boob-shaped Mountains
Well, you may be interested to know that Victoria's Secret has been fooled by the power of the picnic. That's right people. I have what those in the know call "Picnic Breasts." Here is how the lovely salesgirl at Tryst Lingerie described my lady bits, "Most breasts are like mountain tops. You get up there, admire the view and then ski on down. With a picnic breast you get up there and realize how inviting it is, so you spread out the blanket, pull out some food and stay awhile." That's right people. Lunch is served daily inside my bra, so eat up. That sounded way more suggestive than I intended. It's really not sexy to put food inside your bra, nor are you invited to attend any luncheons therein should I choose to host them. 

The end. 


P.S. I bet you will think about my boobs when eating lunch tomorrow. 
P.P.S. Jesus probably still loves me, despite it all. 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Sexy Food Poisoning

Greetings World,

This post is coming to you from my bed. Day 4 of lying flat on my back, day 2 of vacation. Sure feels good to be done for the semester. Or, it would feel good if I didn't feel like DEATH! I'm exaggerating. Today I feel much better, considering that yesterday I pretty much was delirious with fever all day. I made the mistake this morning of looking in the mirror. It wasn't pretty. Red, white and black are the colours of my face. You choose where to place them. 

No. Having a cold is not sexy. Not like the time I had food poisoning and lost about half my body mass. That was awesome. I fit into my skinny jeans for weeks after that. Who cares if I almost died of dehydration? I looked hot. 

This image doesn't really apply... but it made me laugh when I saw it. I googled "sexy food poisoning" for fun, and this was one of the hits. 

The best part of being sick this time was that I had to write an essay and an exam for a prof that I'm pretty sure hates me. I already have an inferiority complex, and this man actually called me into his office to say, "I don't know if you're used to being top of the class, but I've been going over your grades since the beginning of the semester... and you're not." He also said a lot more than that and I of course immediately went home and cried. I resolved to work harder (even though I wasn't really sure how that was possible), but no matter how hard you try, it is pretty hard to be coherent when you have a fever. I'm kind of afraid. Although, it can't be worse than my grade 11 bio exam where we had to label the parts of the heart. This is how I labeled it:

Can you see the specialness that my brain produced? I wonder where my 17 year old mind was at... If you haven't spotted the gross error yet, here was the page as it looked when I received my test back:

Um... yeah. My poor teacher. Actually, he probably had a really good laugh. Thank God if there ever comes a day I can use the title "Dr." it won't be standing for M.D.. 

And speaking of doctors... I'm going on the first trip of my vacation. To the doctor's. I doubt she can cure my brain, but maybe she can do something for this  ailing body of mine.



Saturday, December 11, 2010

27 Years of ME

Dear Population,

Today I turned this many: 

For those of you who were not fortunate enough to be a part of these amazing 27 years, I thought I would fill you in. Here are 27 things that have happened to me in chronological order. Some awesome. Some not. Be prepared. 

0. My life began at a wedding. My parents are hippies that share too much information. I'll never recover. This is also why I refuse to be a hippie. 
1. Sometime between the ages of zero and one I learned how to talk. That's right. I am an genius. It was all the Mozart. 
2. I was joined by a small person that smelled like cabbage and stole my mommy. He also did his business on my favourite toy. Why is it that I love this person so?
3. I learned to read. That's right. Montessori bitches!
4. I went to kindergarten at a scary public school where some girl tried to convince me that 'I'll show you mine if you show me yours' was a good idea. I wasn't convinced. 
See? Evil... Plotting.
5. Ah grade 1. This was (I believe) the year that I secretly made my own invitations to my birthday party and distributed them at school. My mom was pretty shocked when a bunch of kids showed up at our door with presents on a school night in November. This is when my parents discovered that they had created a monster. Thank you Montessori.
6. I had a crush on this kid in school who got 2% on milk day instead of chocolate milk. I tortured myself by getting 2% even though I really didn't like milk just because I wanted him to like me. Don't ask me what would have happened if he had returned the affection. We were 6. The reason I don't like milk? I had a dream that it was poisonous. I couldn't touch the stuff for a long time without being convinced I was going to die. Oh yeah. My second brother was born this year too. I guess that is more important than the milk anecdote. 
Milky FOOL

Chocolate COOL

7. My parents pulled me out of the public system and sent me to some strange school in the suburbs where the crayons were rectangular! I cried about those crayons. Seriously. It was tragic. How can there be any detail when your crayons are so FAT! (I actually did cry about this. No lie.)
8. Depressed about my first year with the fat crayons my parents tried to reunite me with some old public school friends. The attempt failed. I was too different. I ate stone soup and played with gnomes. They just didn't get me anymore. No more Lite Brite. No more Skip-it. No more Hot Loops. 
9. I was bullied. It was sad. BUT I met Rhoda this year! Yay! 
10. I learned to rollerblade this year and felt like I owned my neighbourhood, even though in reality I was a total dork with a helmet, knee and elbow pads. Also, this was the year I walked in on grownups having sex. It sincerely traumatized me. I had no idea what was going on, but I was genuinely scared. I can't imagine what I thought! I had a brief break from being bullied until... 
11. I was bullied again.
12. No more bullies. Had my first boyfriend. We were too shy to even hold hands. We were also basically too shy to talk to each other. Don't ask how he was my boyfriend, since he wasn't even my friend! Haha. This was also the year I met the woman that would become my wife. 
13. Asshole was the coolest thing in school. 
14. This year was ouchie. We don't need to recap it here. I did get another brother though. He's kind of cool I guess. A bit too cool for me now actually... damn teenager. 
15. I probably faked sick about 50% of this year. Stupid high school. How I hated it. But I did get to go to Europe for the first time. Also everyone in my town thought I was a teenaged mom. That was fun. Did I mention I hated this year? Oh yeah. I did. 
16. I returned to Europe and kissed 2 Swiss men! I also received the best love letter ever: Dear Shannon, I returned early. Broke my leg. Call me if you want to see me. (He broke his leg because we were up all night making out and he really shouldn't have gone snow boarding with no sleep. So really... I broke his leg. Haha. I'm really a very powerful woman). Ah yes, also had a totally cliché kiss in the rain.
17. Fell in love for the first time. It was glorious. Went to Brazil... good times.
18. Callllifornia! More good times.
19. Ah... it was the best of times it was the worst of times. Got my heart broken for the first time ever as a surprise. Recovered a little too quickly. Went to Peru!
20. I'm a big girl! Got engaged in Switzerland. Planned a wedding. Oops. 
21. Got married. Oops.
22. Did married stuff. Oops.
23. Went back to school!
24. Yay school. Went to Israel. Oh yeah. And got separated. 
25. More school! Oh yeah, and got separated AGAIN! I am special. 

Fiiiiiiiiine. If you insist. 
26. Stayed separated this time. Met someone wonderful. He's smarter than me because he's asleep right now. Graduated with my BA and launched right back in to an MA... I'm so friggen tired. Went to Japan, although that seems like a blur now even though it was just over a month ago.
27. I will do something epic. TBD. 

I invite you all to make suggestions for the epic thing I will do this year.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Destroyer

Hey World, What's up?

I'll tell you what's up. They're all out to get me. I don't know who, but I swear, someone or something is trying to have me killed. Granted, I am paranoid. I'm the person that thinks that everyone starts talking about me as soon as I leave the room. While these imagined conversations may be malicious, let's face it, they are inevitable. Why? Because I'm so awesome that there is literally nothing else to talk about once I've been and gone. What's it like living in my wake? Guess I'll never know. However, as awesome as my life is, there are apparently forces out there trying to take it from me. Here are the top four in no particular order:

1. The KKK. That's right people. Go big or go home. I was once wandering by the side of the highway somewhere in Nevada in the middle of the night when I stumbled across a flat plateau covered in rock formations. I sat there for a bit, and may or may not have eaten a sandwich (HIMYM fans, you'll get this)... suddenly everything began to feel wrong. The wind picked up, blowing dust around, hurting my eyes and sending a shiver down my spine. I stood up, and was overtaken by the certitude of my immanent death at the hands of the KKK. In my fear and confusion I started running for the car... only to discover I had no idea where we'd left the car. It was horrifying. To this day I don't know how I escaped their clutches. I'm sure they were there, and now they're just biding their time. Why take me out so easily in the middle of nowhere? I know they're planning something epic. 

2. Stupid people. They are definitely trying to kill me. 17 hour work day. That's all I'm going to say. 

3. My boyfriend. This man has the dexterity of a baby deer. Last night he got into bed and managed to karate chop my spine right at the base of my neck. It felt really good and not at all life threatening. Not at all. It's hard to watch your back in your sleep man. This may be the one that gets me. 

4. My iPhone. Yes. My precious iPhone. This was the last straw. Last night, after coming off of 3 hours of sleep and  a 17 hour workday I was finally heading home, but had an hour long drive ahead of me. So, I turned to my faithful iPhone (this one had better be faithful and not self-destruct like its predecessor that exploded on my couch last summer. I can still smell its electrical burning death stench if I try) to keep me awake on the journey. After giving up music snobdom a few years ago, I will admit that I put whatever I find catchy at the time on my iPhone. I have tons of crap on there. Stuff you'd never want to listen to unless you were busting your butt at the gym. So, I decided to put the entire contents of the iPod on shuffle thinking that it would surely hit upon these gems. What it decided to do instead was play only slow calm songs and classical pieces. When Moonlight Sonata transitioned into Clair de Lune I knew that I was done for. 

At this point, I think I need to enhance my defenses. I need to become a superhero. Is anyone with me? We have awesome uniforms. I made this promotional video for you all. So, without further ado:

If that didn't convince you, I don't know what will. Perhaps if I tell you that Cindy Crawford donated the fabric that made my cape? It was kind of her. She also donated the fan for the photo shoot. She's thoughtful like that. 



Thursday, December 2, 2010

Never Lie About Nudity

Wow people. Wow. I didn't realize how serious y'all are about your nudity (you know who you are... ANGELA). This false advertising thing was a bad idea. I have been getting all kinds of hate mail. Now I feel obliged to bare all. On second thought, some things are better left a mystery. I would lose my allure if you knew me that intimately. 

Instead, I will share semi-nude pictures of my girlfriend with you.

This is my girlfriend: 
I know what you're thinking. You're probably wondering how a girl like me could get a girl like that. Especially considering that I'm straight. I just like to keep my options open, ok? I mean, I just walked into the store and there she was... 

Ok, she's not my girlfriend. I LIED TO YOU AGAIN! But I walked into the Victoria's Secret, and there she was all giant and sexy up there on the wall, and you know what I did? I bought everything that she is wearing. Dammit. (I also got into an argument with the salesgirl about my cup size, but that is another fun story). So now I'm broke and girlfriendless. I even lost my real girlfriend. She was pretty mad when she heard about my affair. We're taking a break until February when we will go on a romantic all inclusive vacation together to see if we can work things out. I have faith that we will.

Me and Real Girlfriend:
Happy New Year 2009!

In the meantime, I'll just have to enjoy the company of the opposite sex. I like 'em tall dark and handsome. Good thing I've got one of those lying around here somewhere... 


**EDIT**: Speaking of sex selling, look at what happened at my school last week! Bring back Bill C-311!


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Naked Pictures

Just kidding. No nudity. Just a really bad post that I thought I'd trick you into reading with some false advertising. If you love me, read on. 

Dear World,

If not the world, then at least the only ones who matter, because clearly you love/like/feel a mild but slightly favourable indifference towards me enough to read this. I thank you. 

Anyway world, I've been thinking a lot lately about things I love, and things I loath. Here are my preliminary findings (I am a social scientist after all):

This is just a small sample of things I love. See? I love shoes. I am not a hippie. 

I hate Daniel Alfredsson so much that I was angered at having to type his name and spelled it all wrong. Actually, that is a lie. I had already made the chart and finalized it and everything and I'm way too lazy to go back and fix the spelling.
Then there are things I love to loath or loath to love... like driving... or men. 

I really love driving. And I do it a lot, so this is a good thing. However, I was driving home tonight and I decided I would be really nice and let this guy in a very sporty lowriding weird shaped car merge in front of me in a construction zone. Well, since everyone drives like idiots in the city, he didn't realize I was doing something nice and we ended up playing some sort of weird edging forward/sideways version of chicken. By the end of it he was waving a thanks to me as he pulled in front of me, just as I exploded into a series of expletives. I then felt guilty, but moments later when I beat his sports car out of an intersection after a red light  (yes, I like to see if I can do these things) I realized that I have no sympathy for people who drive cars that they just don't know how to use. If I was driving that thing... man, I would DRIVE that thing. I drive Zoë like she looks like this:

Okay, so I chose the old model because in my head I'm also wearing a glorious red head scarf that goes flying off into the wind as I breeze on by... in reality, this is Zoë:

She's not fancy. She's not powerful. And if you're driving some souped up Mitsubishi and get beaten out by some chickadee in a Hyundai Accent, you have no right to be on my road. GET OFF! 

To the men I love to loath/loath to love, you know who you are. It's just some sort of chemical reaction. My boyfriend made this photo art for me. I like to think it's a picture of me falling in love: 

See, first I'm like, "You're pretty. I'm going to play my guitar for you and you will fall in love with me because I'm a siren."
Then I really start to fall hard, and my heart flies out of my chest so quickly that this causes the blood in its wake to vaporize (don't ask me why. I'm not that kind of scientist). In the mean time, I've started to bleed from my wrist and 
my arm pit. But apparently I'm still really happy about it, and I have a magic ring. 

This may be the worst thing I've ever written. 


Thursday, November 25, 2010

God vs. Darwin

Hello Everyone!

I thought I would try to convince you once more of my faith. I got scolded a lot about my last post. People threw rocks at me in the name of Jesus, and it hurt. But I definitely believe in creationism. If you were me, you'd have a hard time believing in evolution, and here is why.

Currently the best science that we have tells us that natural selection explains the evolution of species. Right. Faith in science. Here is a pie chart representation of where I place my faith:

Mmmmm... pie... Here is a graphical representation of the importance of pie:

Well... I live with a fluffy critter that helped me with the reallocation of my faith. Her name is Hawkslee. She is a Parrotlet. And if evolution by natural selection were true, she would not be here.

My poor parrotlet seems hell bent on breaking the bank with trip after trip to the vet. She doesn't appreciate the fact that I'm a student and have no money. I've gone into debt for this creature! The poor thing underwent surgery at only 6 months of age due to an injury she sustained at the hands of her very own beak. Scratch that... if her beak had hands that would be some pretty advanced evolution... But I digress. Even upon healing she has continued to periodically try to tear her feet apart with her beak. She's been in and out of the vet's, under observation, and there is nothing wrong with her. She doesn't have parasites, she is not depressed... they have no idea how to fix her. So basically, the vet came up with a temporary fix. The temporary fix went through it's own evolution. This is the kind of evolution I can get on board with, since I watched it first hand.

The first attempt was to bandage the wounded foot, but of course the crafty little thing tore off the bandage after a few short hours. Then came an attempt to put a collar on her neck that elongated it a bit in an attempt to put her feet out of reach. This too failed. She can bend in scary ways. So finally, the vet came up with the reverse cone (tutu or satellite dish), which looks like this:

The last one is the saddest and most pathetic thing I have ever seen. She can't even fly when she's in it... is she still a bird if she can't even fly? Look how pathetic she is in this thing:

See? How can you watch that and believe that this is a more advanced stage of anything!? (And no, this is not being cruel... without that thing on she would bleed out, and it's only on in the very direst of circumstances!)

Poor baby. But she's very loved!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Delusions of Grandeur

Dear World,

Something else you should know about me. I am very religious. In fact, I should probably be considered the world's leading expert on religion. "Why is this?", you might ask. You might say, "She doesn't seem very religious" or, "she's living in sin!" Both of those statements would be true. But it's not what's on the outside that counts. It's what's on the inside. And what's inside of me is blood (and guts and organs... you know). And this blood that I speak of has all of the powers of Judaism and Catholicism churning up a storm in my veins. I'm like a Kabbalist high on holy water. My mind is fluid and all-knowing. 

I love bagels and Jesus loves me. Why he chose to appear to Finn on a grilled cheese and not to me on a bagel is beyond me. 

Grilled Cheesus
How did this happen? My parents thought it would be a great idea to tell me that I'm Jewish, but still tell me the stories of the New Testament, and let me play with a Jesus doll in a manger that my mom set up every Christmas. They also taught me to eat chocolate each spring in celebration of the most significant ghost ever to walk the face of the earth. And so I do. Well, not so much any more, but I did. I got the best of both worlds. I also got a lot of confusion and guilt, oy vey, Jesus, Mary and Joseph... but we can leave that for another time. 

So, as the leading expert on religion, I feel like I have to break some bad news to you that may cause you to restructure your entire life. Here it is:

The Ten Commandments are GUIDELINES that have evolved with time, and there are exceptions. As with all things biblical we cannot take them literally. For example, would you make a human sacrifice? Cuz I hear they did those back then...

Random picture of me looking high in a Batman T
Case in point: Part of the 10th Commandment is, "Thou shalt not... covet thy neighbour's wife." Ummm.... my boyfriend would likely encourage me to covet my neighbour's wife. He would also quite possibly encourage me to commit adultery with my neighbour's wife, which flies directly in the face of the 7th Commandment. Holy double commandment fail, Batman!

Also, Scroobius Pip says thou shalt always kill, which, according to the 6th Commandment is a big no-no. How can you not trust Scroobius? I mean, look at this guy. He looks like a modern day Jesus.

Scroobius Pip
Here are some much more applicable commandments according to Scroobius Pip: 

Thou shalt not steal if there is a direct victim.
Thou shalt not worship false pop idols.
Thou shalt not stop liking a band just because they've become popular.
Thou shalt not fall in love so easily.
Thou shalt give equal worth to tragedies that occur in non-english speaking countries as to those that occur in english speaking countries. Thou shalt think for yourselves.
Thou shalt always... kill. 

I like to think he doesn't mean the last one literally. 

My friend took this picture and I stole it. It's the last thing to add to the list. Thou shalt :

Photo credit: Sean P. Stephens


**Disclaimer: I am not in any way questioning anybody's faith. I'm just having fun. Mostly at my own expense. I don't know the first thing about religion.
